Awaken the Healer Within - Episode 16 - Emotions as Energy

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2020

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), emotions and physical health are intimately connected. This integrated mind-body approach to health and healing operates in a dynamic loop where emotions impact the health of the body and vice versa. This week we discuss Emotions as Energy (or Qi) in this week's Free Qi Talk and get your questions answered about the importance of emotions and emotional balance on your everyday health, especially in times of stress and uncertainty!

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Awaken the Healer Within - Episode 14 - The Secret to Happiness and a Long Life

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2020

In this beautiful Q&A session with Master Eli, a discussion on how to live your life in joy, and how this translates to a long, healthy and abundant life.

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Awaken the Healer Within - Episode 15 - The Secret to a Healthy Gut

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2020

In this episode we hold a Q&A session about the topic of how to strengthen and heal your gut...and keep it healthy!  A great conversation on a powerful topic!

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Awaken the Healer Within - Episode 13 - Neigong a.k.a. Hidden Qi Gong

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2020

Neigong is the ancient, hidden practice developed over thousands of years and originated in both Shamanic and Taoist practices.  This is the root of Healing Qi Gong and the way you access great power in your practice, beyond what the eye can see.  We practice this with physical movement by 'moving the mind' and manipulating hidden Universal Energy.


Join us for this powerful information that is rarely shared!

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Awaken The Healer Within - Episode 12 - Waking up with more energy!

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2020

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In this week's weekly Q&A Qi Talk we discuss how to wake up with more energy and some simple morning practices that you can incorporate to start your day off right!

For more information and a powerful Good Morning Qi Gong visit my website and our online products!

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Awaken The Healer Within - Episode 11 - Yin and Yang in TCM and Qi Gong

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2020

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In this Qi Talk we discuss the concept of Yin and Yang, and its importance in Qi Gong and TCM. Balance of Yin and Yang in the body are critical to maintain health and promote vitality. Also critically important in strengthening the immune system and overall organ meridiens.

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Awaken The Healer Within - Episode 10 - The Basics of Qi

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2020

Enjoy my latest podcast!
This week we have a Q&A session focused on the basic theory behind Qi, or energy. Qi Gong stands for Energy Cultivation Practice in Chinese, and Qi is the basic energetic principle behind it. Listen in for an insightful discussion and some practice that quickly cultivates Qi in a way that you can feel it physically!

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Awaken The Healer Within - Episode 9 - Healing the Heart and Heart Energy

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2020

This week we discuss the heart, its energy and how to heal its various emotional and physical conditions. A powerful discussion about this powerful organ and energetic system in the body!

For more information about what we discussed in today's Qi Talk, visit - you can preview a powerful practice designed to calm the spirit and emotions.

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Awaken The Healer Within - Episode 7 - Insomnia and Healthy Sleep

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2020

Watch Eli's latest Qi Talk recording on Insomnia and Healthy Sleep (audio podcast at the bottom of this page)

I share some secrets I teach that cures insomnia for good...simple, powerful and effective.  Watch the video and keep reading below for more info!

Join us for a powerful workshop - Qi Gong for Healthy Sleep on July 12, 2020! 

This is part 1 of a 3-part series I'm leading this summer on bullet-proofing your immune system.  For more information visit (click here).   USE THE COUPON CODE TENOFF AT CHECKOUT TO GET TEN DOLLARS OFF ANY WORKSHOP!

When I met Lauren last year, she told me she couldn’t sleep more than 3 hours a night for the last 7 years!  I prescribed her a Medical Qi Gong practice and after the fourth day of practice she finally could sleep over 6 hours a night!  It was amazing to witness her energy shift.  Our work together over the next few...

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